Jewish Preppers?

Some people finding our website may be wondering what is a Prepper and why does it have a religious affiliation? Well the short answer is...A Prepper is the modern day survivalist. It's not (necessarily) a right-wing militiaman preparing for Armageddon in the boondocks of Montana. But better represented by a normal, educated, middle class individual perhaps living in the most urban of cities, preparing themselves physically and mentally for any upcoming disaster, natural or man-made. This could include anything from earthquakes to volcanic eruptions, social unrest to an act of terrorism. Preparations include: food supply, medical supply, weapons supply etc. and the knowledge and skills to use them. Of course, a Jewish Prepper is just a designation for a small niche of the Prepper Community that is of the Jewish Faith. We are non-profit and nonpartisan. Enjoy!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

From, Ann is a righteous gentile IMHO. Before or after you read, her please call the White House to comment on Ubama's, oops, Obama's speech at 202 456 1414.

Okay. Here's what you need to understand about what Obama just did. He said that there needs to be a Palestinian State based upon the pre-1967 borders. This isn't just throwing Israel under the bus, this is throwing Israel into the woodchipper. This is like saying that the U.S. needs to return to the 1802 borders. Wait . . . no one give him any ideas about that. I'm sure Obama would be tickled to death with that.

Benjamin Netanyahu is en route to the U.S. and is scheduled to give a speech to a joint session of Congress. Obama has just chop-blocked one of our staunchest allies. Further, what Obama is really doing is inciting and inflaming anti-Israel sentiment on the Muslim street, which is already wildly destabilized. He is throwing gas on the fire.

Here is what they are trying to do. If Israel does not now FULLY surrender to the pre-1967 borders, the muslims will use this as an excuse to riot and eventually attack - because they now have the EXPLICIT BLESSING of the POTUS to do so. Obama/Soros has given the Caliphate a central rallying point. In the name of "human rights", Obama/Soros is setting up a chessboard whereby a U.S./U.N. occupation of Israel will be "needed" to "enforce" the 1967 borders. If Israel tries to defend itself against muslim aggression - which remember has been agitated by Obama himself - or defend its sovereign territory, Obama/Soros will cast these actions of Israeli self-defense and self-preservation as "human rights violations" and move in. DO WE NOW FULLY UNDERSTAND WHAT THE PURPOSE OF THE LIBYAN ACTION WAS? It was simply to establish a precedent. Bishop to e6.

If I may be so bold, Netanyahu needs to take a page out of my playbook. He needs to give Obama the @$$kicking of a lifetime in his address to Congress. These Obama/Soros people are common gutter-scum street thugs, and need to be treated accordingly. TAKE OFF

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