Jewish Preppers?

Some people finding our website may be wondering what is a Prepper and why does it have a religious affiliation? Well the short answer is...A Prepper is the modern day survivalist. It's not (necessarily) a right-wing militiaman preparing for Armageddon in the boondocks of Montana. But better represented by a normal, educated, middle class individual perhaps living in the most urban of cities, preparing themselves physically and mentally for any upcoming disaster, natural or man-made. This could include anything from earthquakes to volcanic eruptions, social unrest to an act of terrorism. Preparations include: food supply, medical supply, weapons supply etc. and the knowledge and skills to use them. Of course, a Jewish Prepper is just a designation for a small niche of the Prepper Community that is of the Jewish Faith. We are non-profit and nonpartisan. Enjoy!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Random Thoughts

Waiting for a monolithic federal bureaucracy to make a decision has given me too much time to read the news -which isn't good from the possible imminent Greece default to Turkey's navel convoy of the palestinian Flotilla. But I did get smiles from the Sultan Knish's piece tempered by further despair over the willing blindness of the leftstream media over the Ground Zero mosque.

Please read SK's piece at, which can be summarized as follows: " While the media insists on telling us how much we can learn from Islam-- there is more of goodness, decency and honor to be learned from a dog, than there is from the entire Koran." and here is the short piece from AmericanThinker:

Return to the Article

September 14, 2011

Imam Rauf's World Trade Center Conquest Imagery

Andrew G. Bostom

When Ground Zero Mosque promoter Imam Feisal Rauf's book, What's Right with Islam: A New Vision for Muslims and the West, was published in Indonesian in 2007, it acquired a modified title - "Seruan Azan Dari Puing WTC: Dakwah Islam di Jantung Amerika Pasca 9/11" i.e., "The Call of Azan from the Rubble of the World Trade Center: Islamic Da'wa in the Heart of America Post-9/11". The Middle East Media Research Institute blog observed August 23, 2010,

The azan is the muezzin's call to prayer. It consists of a number of sentences repeated several times: "Allahu Akbar," the Shahada (la ilaha illa Allah wa-Muhammad rasoul Allah - "There is no God but Allah and Muhammad is His Messenger") and the phrase "Gather for prayer." It is noteworthy that, in the period of Muslim conquests in the first centuries of Islam, this call was made from newly conquered sites.

As a striking example of this phenomenon, according to the pious Muslim narrative, after the Muslim forces had conquered Mecca, in January, 630 -- one of the most hallowed occurrences in Islam's history -- Bilal, Muhammad's Ethiopian muezzin, ascended to the top of the Kaaba (a cuboidal building in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, considered the most sacred site in Islam) to call the Muslims to prayer -- the first time the azan was heard within Islam's holiest city. This purported event was depicted in the Persian miniature, below:

The recent solemn tenth anniversary of the acts of jihad terrorism on 9/11/2001, juxtaposed to such triumphal Islamic imagery, should remind us forever of Rauf's conquering mentality, notwithstanding his false, if treacly and oft-repeated claims of "ecumenism"

from: at September 14, 2011 - 07:32:04 AM CDT

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